Croatia: 4 Days to Go

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My husband and I are headed to Croatia with my parents and brothers for 13 days- My parents went there for their anniversary a few years ago and wanted to bring us all back because they enjoyed it so much. We will spending time in Venice and Padua for a few days as well- we'll be staying at some old estate and an old stable turned into an inn. (Taming of the Shrew anyone? Set in Padua) I CAN'T WAIT. I'll also be celebrating my birthday there.

Aren't these pictures beautiful? I want every building to have murals like the one above. Croatia is supposed to be really unique and pretty much untouched by tourism because it is a place that is less visited than others around Europe. I can't wait to sketch and take photos.

Today in church I remembered a quote by Joan of Arc- it was basically: Act and God will act (loi et Dieu agiront). Coincidentally there is also a similar saying in Croatian that goes like this:
Bog govori: pomozi si sam, pomoci cu ti.

Try saying that 5 times fast. Well maybe you can- but I truly love that quote in whichever language it is in. Have faith, do something, and God will help you. It's simple.


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