Tedx Talk + MLB

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It's finally out!
I was lucky to be able to do illustrations for Beauty Redefined's Tedx Talk this past month. I LOVE Lindsay + Lexie's platform, and their work is absolutely powerful. When I was a teen I always felt like I needed to be a certain way physically, and it continued throughout college where I had a bit of an eating problem. I know that body image is mental and it's hard to step outside of it and see yourself for who you are and what you are capable of. Their work will teach and change your mentality and you can love who you are. Women, we are not just bodies!
Their motto? See more, Be more.


New H17 Designs for Anthropologie

Monday, November 6, 2017

 I loved designing this woolly creature story for Anthropologie Holiday 17! They turned out really fun. You can get a combination of all or just one to add to your Christmas list. 

The tassel trees are fun decorative table accents, the unicorn and elephant are fluffy and quirky, but my favorite is probably the elephant tree topper. I made an actual sample of this guy for the vendors to copy and they did a beautiful job replicating it.

I'll be posting more ornaments I did for Anthro in a few days, but for now, enjoy these!


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